by Think Digitally | Feb 26, 2016
Kings Hall Health & Wellbeing Park, Belfast Loan to facilitate the regeneration of the former King’s Hall into a health and wellbeing park. The King’s Hall development will comprise of a healthcare park with plots identified for different uses from offices...
by Think Digitally | Feb 26, 2016
Grosvenor Road, Belfast MSCP Loan for redevelopment of existing surface level car park to a multi-storey car park. The NIIF made a loan to develop a 575-space multi-storey car park with ancillary offices on the existing site on Grosvenor Road. The development...
by Think Digitally | Feb 26, 2016
Haslem Hotel, Lisburn Square, Lisburn Loan to reposition vacant retail space into hotel and serviced offices. The NIIF made a loan to redevelop some of the vacant retail space at Lisburn Square into a 45-bedroom boutique hotel with serviced apartments known as the...